Pizza for Everyone

Inside front cover, table of contents, and foreword/preface.
Recipe example, and a selection of additional book details.
Recipe example, and a selection of additional book details.
Recipe example, and a selection of additional book details.
Recipe example, outro poem, inside back cover, and back cover.

Pizza for Everyone is the long-lost community cookbook for those who grew up on tavern-cut squares and big, deep slices served alongside a plastic liter of pop. Enclosed in 200 comb-bound pages of recipes, essays, and art are the immortal secrets of pizza, Chicago, and pizza in Chicago. The project was inspired by the loss of communal and social spaces during the pandemic, and driven forward by a desire to contribute to a better future for marginalized communities.

A strict typographic grid and system served as a consistent foundation for 50+ contributors, unifying diverse authors, themes, and visuals. Playfulness and intuition guided bespoke typographic illustrations to anchor each piece's visual identity within authorial voice and subject matter. Common and accessible visual tropes unlocked a level of joy and welcome for all readers regardless of culinary expertise.

Typography, Illustration, and Design
Zach Sherwood
John Carruthers