Ruffled Chips poster.I was in the process of designing a typeface using a lenticular screen effect. My daughter sat next to me doing her homework and were both eating ruffled chips, our favorites. Hence the name.Milk floating in space poster.I used this typeface as the logo for my first company "Zygote". We were obsessed with images form space and electronic switchboards.Etch and Sketch kitchen poster.This was initially the masthead for my a weird magazine project. So i designed the rest of the typeface too.Bucket list poster.My studio sessions teacher Genevieve Williams asked us to design a bucket list using typography. I am unsure of my goals and this list is constantly changing, so i made it unreadable and private.My New German records poster.After submitting a vinyl record mix to my friend's blog ( I needed a cover and designed this typeface for it.Kulu Kulu poster.When we lived in Japan I often noticed doubled words that sound like the action. Kulu Kulu is the sound of rolling or mixing something. Choki Choki is the sound of a scissor..., so I designed this study poster and the hiragana type.