Alternative Facts


Alternative Facts is a collection of artist Jenny Holzer’s truisms paired with President Donald Trump’s tweets and quotes. Jenny Holzer is recognized for her concise and poignant writings that function as a commentary on polarizing social and political issues. She manages to pen eloquent and succinct phrases that span many mediums beyond the internet. On the other hand, Trump’s use of Twitter is self-indulgent and broadcast to a wide audience. The pairings are a distillation of the divided state of our country, and the issues that continue to plague our way of life. 

Alternative Facts was shown as an installation at Typeforce. Inspired by red / blue stereoscopy the light shining on the text hides or reveals each quote which are printed superimposed on a large, hanging banner. A small booklet of additional quote pairings was created as a takeaway.

Renata Graw
Alexa Viscius
Crystal Zapata