Humans of St. Louis

Rebecca Leffell Koren

Humans of St. Louis is a 544-page photography book that, with nuance and care, captures the beauty and complexity of life in St. Louis through portraits and narratives from its citizens. The book employs a textured typographic palette, referential to the rich vernacular typographic history of St. Louis' industrial past, as well as it being the location of notable type foundries active in the 19th and 20th centuries. The typographic voice brings a visual rhythm that reinforces the diversity of the people within the pages of the book. Front and back inserts are printed in a two-color run that correlates warm red to the prominence of brick, and blue to the city's place along the Mississippi river. Photographic collage sequences guide the reader into the book through the architectural texture and landscape of the city as an entry point to meeting its inhabitants.

Format 8.25 × 10 in, 544 pages, 978-1-7374737-0-1

Typefaces: Atlas Grotesk (Commercial Type), Miller Text (Carter & Cone), Romana

Graphic Designer
Audra Hubbell
Graphic Designer
Becca Leffell Koren
Author, Photographer
Lindy Drew
Dessa Somerside